Monday, June 20, 2016

Mid Year Check-In On Resolutions 2016 Progress

It's hard to believe that 2016 is more than half over.  It has been a whirlwind, and, after a recent kink in a longstanding friendship, I decided to check in with the the list that hangs right over my computer every day.

Looking at it in total, I have had various degrees of successes and failures.

Be more organized- Success.  By default, but I have gotten there.  I just listed my condo last week, and there was an astounding amount of organizing and purging of junk that needed to occur.  My bf's solution of "just throw it all away" is way to overwhelming.  Plus, some of it was worth money- I made $65 on some old CD's!

Keep the house cleaner- Success.  Again, by default.  It is so nice to see it spotless, and I have to keep it that way, because I never know when there will be a showing.

Cut down on shopping/acquiring- Moderate success.  Still picking up a few things here and there, but much more thought goes into need and budget.  And, in case you readers are wondering, I do not buy most of what I post.  I do not have anyone sponsoring my posts, so I get no discounts, apart from the sales that everyone else has access to.  But, I still enjoy "window shopping" and writing about preppy finds.

Get in touch with/visit old friends- Some success, but a work in progress.  I am hoping that a friend that I haven't seen since a Europe graduation trip comes to see me on the East Coast, and I hope to make it to Europe to see her at Christmastime.  I have a local fellow oyster-loving friend who I haven't seen in probably 5 years that I will be seeing this summer.  And there are tons more on my list to reach out to.

Guster with Melis

Find permanent, healthy eating lifestyle- Moderate success.  I still LOVE food and sometimes my portions need downsizing.  I have lost 5 lbs and gained some nice muscle, but I have a way to go.  I am working with a health coach through my insurance, and I weigh myself every morning, which reminds me that I need to do better.

Can't.Zip.This.Size.6.All.The.Way :(

Travel to Europe- To date, a total FAIL.  I had a bunch of required upgrades/repairs to do to the house, and I have not been able to justify a trip to Europe.  This was especially painful during the time that I saw my best friend's AMAZING photos from her 2 week vacation to Monaco and the South of France.  Good for her, but impossible not to be jealous!
Lola in her party dress.  Postcard shot.
Jamee looks amazing! This looks like a fairy tale party house!  Like something that you see in a James Bond movie.  Or in "To Catch a Thief."

Learn to Code- Fail.  I just haven't had the time to practice consistently, and I don't see it happening until I sell my house and move.

Start My Side Business- Fail.  I don't have the capital with the moving expenses, and I haven't had the chance to travel to France to brand scout with my business partner.

Sell My Condo, Buy a House, Grow A Garden- All a work in progress, but I am on my way!  House is on the market, we've narrowed it down to two towns that we hope to love in.  And then comes the garden!

Save More Animals- Success.  My facebook page for Senior and Special Needs Animals in MA is growing, but we need more members.  There are some really great rescues out there, and I enjoy working with good people to help.  I am on an animal intake hold until I move, but I look forward to rescuing/fostering an old dog once I move.

Be a Better Family Member/Girlfriend/Friend- Some successes and some failures on this one.  In the last 9 months, my family has experienced some beyond heartbreaking stuff.  I am trying to be better about visiting them, especially if someone else is unable to travel.  I was sad to miss my mom's birthday and Father's Day, but it was my first open house and I needed to stay put.  

My boyfriend has been super supportive through everything, and sometimes I think that I do a good job showing my appreciation.  Other times, I need to do better.  So does he!  But we communicate constantly, and work together.  I don't think I would have made it through the last 9 months without him.  I am trying to set aside more time for things to do with him.  This weekend, we went strawberry picking and explored Scituate, where I hope to live.  This exploration included an amazing nature hike with breathtaking marsh views.
Perfect strawberries. 
I am trying to be a better friend, especially to those who I care most about.  I admit that this has been hard, given that there have been several things that I have been dealing with that haven't left me with the energy to check in and be there for friends who need me as I would have hoped to.  But, as I evaluate this list and think about my core friends, I also realize that people haven't been there for me.  I think that a true friend realizes that sometimes a non-present friend just needs time for themselves, and that you can pick back up when they get it together.  I can't get wrapped up in petty drama - it literally makes me want to run and hide.

Weekday "lunchtime" beach excursion with Alex and Allie.

So, there you have my check-in.  Overall, I am happy with where I am mid-year.  I look forward to the second half and to what I will accomplish.  Stay tuned for some fun, preppy posts to follow.

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